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公司名称: 青岛东方环球装饰有限公司

主营产品: 软膜天花材料  灯箱透过膜  洗浴软膜天花  柔性天花  喷绘写真膜  A级膜 

企业成立: 2008-03-13 员工规模: 2

联系qq:   联系销售     联系采购

    多年技术开发研究,青岛*方环球装饰有限公司不断提高软膜天花品质,使其达到**水准。采用特殊聚氯乙烯材料,加上防火、防水、防霉、绿色环保和防静电技术,加工制造自己品牌软膜天花。同时将十多种铝形 材大胆精减改革,使得环球软膜天花的安装更加简便,效果更加出色,价格也大幅下调,环球软膜天花现成为中国具有影响力和竞争力的天花品牌。 *方环球的品质承诺: 我们做的事由我们负责、我们说的话由我们保证、 虚心听取客户意见、达到客户满意,认真做好售后服务。 *方环球的营销观念: 我们出售的不仅是产品,而是一种服务和诚信价值观 Study of many years of technology development, Qingdao Oriental global decoration limited company to continuously improve the quality of soft film smallpox, which reached the international first-class level. Using the special PVC material, plus the fire, waterproof, mildew, green environmental protection and anti-static technology, manufacturing their own brand of soft film smallpox. At the same time, more than 10 kinds of aluminum shapes boldly cut reform, the global soft film ceiling installation more convenient, effect is better, the price also significantly reduced, the global soft film smallpox has now become Chinese influence and competitiveness of brand of smallpox. Oriental global quality commitment: We do the reason we responsible, we say we guarantee, ready to listen to the client, to achieve customer satisfaction, conscientiously do a good job of after sale service. Oriental global marketing concept: We sell not only products, but a kind of service and honesty values


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